Frankfurt/Main 2022
Collected papers of the seminar held in Frankfurt/Main in May 2022
International Seminar
“Public sector audit in times of digital changes – the mastering of internal and external challenges”
Frankfurt/Main, 20 May 2022
- presentations and other documents available in English -
Opening and welcome
Introduction - Keynote
Session 1 - External experts on the challenges associated with digitalisation
Slides of the presentation made by Eileen O’Sullivan, City Councillor of the city Frankfurt/Main
Session 2 - Internal digitalisation processes within regional public sector audit institutions and the challenges these pose
Session 3 - Audits of external digitalisation processes performed by regional public sector audit institutions and the challenges involved
Slides of the presentation made by Matthias Eckes, Audit Director at the Court of Audit of Hesse
Slides of the presentation made by Gemma Diamond, Audit Director at Audit Scotland
Conclusions and closing
International Seminar
“Public sector audit in times of digital changes – the mastering of internal and external challenges”
Frankfurt/Main, 20 May 2022
- presentations and other documents available in English -
Opening and welcome
Introduction - Keynote
Session 1 - External experts on the challenges associated with digitalisation
Slides of the presentation made by Eileen O’Sullivan, City Councillor of the city Frankfurt/Main
Session 2 - Internal digitalisation processes within regional public sector audit institutions and the challenges these pose
Session 3 - Audits of external digitalisation processes performed by regional public sector audit institutions and the challenges involved
Slides of the presentation made by Matthias Eckes, Audit Director at the Court of Audit of Hesse
Slides of the presentation made by Gemma Diamond, Audit Director at Audit Scotland
Conclusions and closing