Halle 2013
Collected papers of the VIII EURORAI Congress
VIII EURORAI Congress “Auditing the economic activities of regional and local authorities – current challenges”
Halle, 17 October 2013
- presentations and other documents available in English -
Opening and welcome
Session 1 - Need, opportunities and limits in the audit of the economic activities of regional and local authorities – the exercise of auditing rights by regional audit offices
Session 2 - Audit experiences in auditing the economic activities of regional and local authorities. Main focus: Examination as to regularity in setting and collecting fees and charges in the areas drinking water supply, sewage disposal and waste disposal.
Session 3 - Verification of compliance with the European and national procurement and competition principles in the area of services of general public interest
Slides of the presentation made by Harald Noack, Member of the European Court of Auditors
Conclusions and closing
VIII EURORAI Congress “Auditing the economic activities of regional and local authorities – current challenges”
Halle, 17 October 2013
- presentations and other documents available in English -
Opening and welcome
Session 1 - Need, opportunities and limits in the audit of the economic activities of regional and local authorities – the exercise of auditing rights by regional audit offices
Session 2 - Audit experiences in auditing the economic activities of regional and local authorities. Main focus: Examination as to regularity in setting and collecting fees and charges in the areas drinking water supply, sewage disposal and waste disposal.
Session 3 - Verification of compliance with the European and national procurement and competition principles in the area of services of general public interest
Slides of the presentation made by Harald Noack, Member of the European Court of Auditors
Conclusions and closing