London 2010

Collected papers of the VII EURORAI Congress

VII EURORAI Congress “Meeting the challenge – Economic change and public audit
London, 4 October 2010

 - presentations and other documents available in English - 


Opening and welcome

Introduction to the subject

Slides of the presentation made by Tony Travers, Director of the Greater London Group of the London School of Economics

Workshop session 1 - The impact of economic pressures on public services and audit in specific regions

Slides of the presentation made by Jean-Yves Bertucci, President of the Regional Audit Chamber of Île-de-France

Slides of the presentation made by Victor A. Dvurechenskikh, Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of Moscow

Workshop session 2 - The increased emphasis on Value for Money as a result of pressures in the economy and how the auditor can help

Summary of the presentation made by Helio Robleda, President of the Audit Office of Navarre

Slides of the presentation made by Elke Anast, Head of Audit and Deputy President of the Court of Audit of Upper Austria, and Martin Mühlbachler, Head of Audit and Member of the Court of Audit of Upper Austria

Workshop session 3 - The impact of economic change on public audit and audit risks including reporting results and recommendations

Slides of the presentation made by Ralf Seibicke, President of the Court of Audit of Saxony-Anhalt

Slides of the presentation made by Chris Westwood, Director of Professional Practice of the Audit Commission in England

Conclusions and closing