Mallorca 2022
Collected papers of the XI EURORAI Congress
XI EURORAI Congress “Audits performed by regional public sector audit institutions in the field of public health”
Mallorca, 20 October 2022
- presentations and other documents available in English -
Opening and welcome
Session 1 - External experts on financial control and the evaluation of health policies
Session 2 - The audit of hospitals
Slides of the presentation made by Ulrich Keilmann, Audit Director of the Court of Audit of Hesse
Slides of the presentation made by Eva Thomas-Dudo and Derek Hoy, Audit Managers at Audit Scotland
Slides of the presentation made by Kay Barthel, President of the Court of Audit of Saxony-Anhalt
Slides of the presentation made by David Thomas, Audit Director at Audit Wales
Conclusions and closing
XI EURORAI Congress “Audits performed by regional public sector audit institutions in the field of public health”
Mallorca, 20 October 2022
- presentations and other documents available in English -
Opening and welcome
Session 1 - External experts on financial control and the evaluation of health policies
Session 2 - The audit of hospitals
Slides of the presentation made by Ulrich Keilmann, Audit Director of the Court of Audit of Hesse
Slides of the presentation made by Eva Thomas-Dudo and Derek Hoy, Audit Managers at Audit Scotland
Slides of the presentation made by Kay Barthel, President of the Court of Audit of Saxony-Anhalt
Slides of the presentation made by David Thomas, Audit Director at Audit Wales
Conclusions and closing